Student Government Elections Begin! For SG President…

Your voice matters! If you will be 18 next November, make sure to register.

Photograph by SpartanStock

Your voice matters! If you will be 18 next November, make sure to register.

Student Government and Class Council Candidates – 2017-2018 The following are the campaign goals of each candidate running for Student Government and Class Council for the 2017-2018 school year. The goals are included below exactly as they were written by the candidates. Please read carefully and choose wisely!
Student Government Officers – Candidates
SGA President – Candidates: Karen Rosenbloom and Alex Sayfie
Karen Rosenbloom – Candidate for SGA President I Karen Rosenbloom will be running for Upper School president.
Although I have many goals for the Upper school, here are three:
Goal 1- My first goal as president will be to continue bringing our community closer together by always spreading Country Day cheer and continually modeling and being a student leader every day.
Goal 2- Next year new upper school directer Donal Ball will come into place. As president, I will make it my job to meet with him either weekly or monthly to ensure a smooth transition for him, and our community as a whole.
Goal 3- Most importantly, I will act as a spokeswoman for the upper school. Whether it is homecoming, getting people to come to games, or giving speeches, I will always take into consideration what is best for the student body. I will also be open to new ideas and proposals that with our power may be put in place.
Alex Sayfie – Candidate for SGA President Goal 1: An alternate to homecoming dance.. not the same boring dance that’s hard to get people to show up to. Something non traditional and fun. Waterslide or pool party or girls-ask hoco. Something different. Goal 2: Continue doing chicken kitchen Wednesdays but once or twice a month (this year we only did two in total) and switch it up like have chipotle, Steve’s pizza, etc. make it available to clubs possibly for fundraising. Goal 3: More tailgate parties like homecoming game but for other sports too to increase school spirit.