10th Graders – Don’t Be Late on Tuesday!

Student Elections 2018
The run-off election for class president will take place in advisory on Tuesday morning. Voting will take place during advisory. Brooke Schuchts and Ryan Finvarb have shared their speeches with The Spartacus, so you can read them carefully before making your final decision. Be on time to advisory on Tuesday morning, so you can cast your vote for President of the Class of 2018.
Ryan Finvarb:
GOOD MORNING everyone!
My name is Ryan Finvarb. I am the current class president of our grade and am seeking reelection as president for our junior year. As sophomore president this year I, along with the rest of the class council members, successfully organized and led our class through homecoming. It was not easy trying to satisfy everyone’s wishes to participate in certain events, but I am confident that we did an amazing job!
As president I had to decide whether we would focus on winning homecoming or on including as many people as we could in all of the events. In an effort to satisfy both of these objectives, I made sure that all of those who wanted to participate in at least one event they desired, got their wish. Our homecoming experience was successful because we did all TOGETHER, we worked as a TEAM, and we made sure we included as many classmates as we could, all while we did our best to win.
To me, YOUR opinion matters. This is why I created several polls throughout the duration of the school year, requesting your personal thoughts on certain items, including all of the details surrounding our class sweatshirt. The good news is that they will be arriving soon, and you should feel super proud to know that they were completely chosen by all of YOU.
I have also heard that students would like to see the Food Trucks return to campus but unfortunately this not a possibility. After discussing with my current Vice President, John Sayfie, I promise to find an acceptable solution by having our clubs sell food during lunchtime. This is a win-win solution for our students and clubs. I am committed to working with the administration to find a way to do this for all of you.
MY job has been and will continue to be to bring your ideas to reality and that’s the only way every class president should be. Next year is an especially important year when it comes to class council. The junior class council has the privilege of organizing the Senior-Junior prom. I promise you that I will do everything I possibly can to make it fun, exciting, and memorable.
I know that with my experience as the leader of our class, I am clearly the best fit for this position. In addition to what the class council members and I have done this year, you can be sure I’m a hard worker and that I will put my blood, sweat, and tears into getting the job done for all of YOU. This year was only the beginning and I plan on making next year even better. You know that I’m the best candidate for president of our class because you’ve seen me at work. My dedication and hard work prove that there is no better leader for our class!
VOTE Ryan Finvarb for PRESIDENT, lets move forward into our next journey, TOGETHER.
Brooke Schuchts:
Hi everyone, most of you know that I’m Brooke Schuchts, running for and hoping to be the next President of our Junior class. With my dedication and drive I am determined to make our school a better place. I will do everything in my power to make our Junior year the best it can possibly be.
Although experience is important, our class needs new perspectives. Getting new people into office would make bigger and better changes. To have a President that has never been in office and is a woman will bring new ideas and will be a change our class needs.
I’d like to give you some examples on why I should be President. With a leadership role in the food committee, in the class schedule for next year, and starting my own club I am experienced in taking charge. I am a part of many different clubs and groups in the school and am constantly working with the faculty on different boards. Because I have been asked to be on these boards, I have a great relationship with the faculty.
Class selection and the new schedule for next year is a very important role. When Mr. Turf deemed me capable to be a part of these selections I felt very honored. When I gave my opinions I tried to encompass all that I’ve heard from our grade, including classes the tenth grade would like to take next year, the homework load, the time we get home from school, and extra time spent in advisory and assemblies. I explained my belief that we should have either a shorter day starting later or ending earlier because of the work load. I know a lot of us are involved in Extracurricular activities so we get home very late. I fought for free periods since I have know a lot of you love those.
With my foot already in the door advocating for our class, as your President I can make our thoughts and beliefs a reality.
I am currently the only student on the Miami Country Day food committee and what I do is give ideas of what to incorporate into the menu from what the students have told me. I’ve heard from many of you that you’re not happy with the food and I want to hear more of your likes and dislikes. I will take your suggestions and start making those changes as soon as possible. This year so far, a lot of the changes you guys have suggested to me have already been made and I want nothing more than to do my best for you all in my area of expertise.
I started the Cooking Club at Country Day and I meet with the kitchen staff all the time. I have a great relationship with the chefs and managers in the kitchen so with your ideas I can make these changes.
As most of you know, the President Junior year plays a big role in prom. As a young woman, I can bring new creative ideas to the table. I know what every ones expectations are and will make it the most picture perfect experience possible.
I’m looking forward to the fun times that we will all share and having a very successful year. Together, with me, the graduating class of 2018 will be the best class Miami Country Day School has ever seen, Vote for Brooke !!!